Editing expense reports

The Edit Expense Report screen is where you enter data about the expense that you have incurred. You can change the data on a report at any time until it is fully approved. Exception: Your administrator may set up the form to prohibit changes to submitted reports.

Do one of the following to access the Edit Expense Report screen.

If you access this screen by any of the above methods except for the first, your report with the lowest report number automatically opens. If you want to work on a different report, you can select it from the Expense Report dropdown list (see 2).

The image below of the Edit Expense Report screen shows the most common fields for a travel report. You may see different fields, depending on your administrator's settings and if you are entering a materials or education report.


This item...

Is for this purpose...

  1. Current mode New!

The upper-right of the screen tells you the area of the application that you are working in. When you are working on a pre-authorization request or expense report, you will see: Expense Entry.

  1. Expense Report
    dropdown list New!

Here you can see all of your available expense reports, meaning any reports that you have entered that have not yet been archived. They are sorted in ascending order by report label, then by report number. To edit a different report, select it from the dropdown list.

The dropdown list shows the following data for each report: report label; report number; status; brief description.

In previous versions, you had to exit back to a selection menu in order to select a different report to edit.

Note that the form's setup determines whether you can edit an expense report that you have already submitted.

  1. Rejection message

An alert to let you know that an approver rejected this report. To view details about the rejection, you can either click the View Details link to open a Reject Information window, or hover your cursor over it to view the tool tip. You will have to change the report to make it suitable for approval.

  1. Expense Report tabs New!

These tabs let you quickly move among your different options for expense reports. You are currently in the Edit Expense Report tab. From here, you can click:

  1. Button bar for Save, Print, and additional information

This is where you go when you want to save or print your report or enter/view a variety of information that is not available on the main report screen.

Not all of the buttons listed below always appear. For example, if you do not have any errors on your report, then the Errors button does not appear.

  • Save

  • Per Diem: Click here if you want e-xpense to use the combination of the date and location code (see 7) to fill in the cost for each applicable category row. If you enter the same date for more than one column, then e-xpense fills in costs only for the first column and leaves the rest blank. The form’s setup determines whether e-xpense defaults rates for lodging, for M&IE categories, or for both.

  • Expense Distribution: Click here to enter an expense distribution for the entire report. The button changes to green with a dollar sign ($) when you enter at least one distribution at the report level.

  • Distribution Summary: Click here to review all expense distributions for your report.

  • Approver Info (previously available only for approvers)

  • Forwarding Info: If one of your approvers forwarded your report to an additional, required approver, click here to read details about the forward.

  • Review Request: Click here to quickly review the pre-authorization request that you based this report on.

  • Errors: Note that any amounts on the report that involve soft errors are highlighted in yellow. You can click Errors to review more details about these errors.

  • Variance: Your administrator can set up an allowed amount or percentage of variance between the total in the request and the total of your entries on the report. If your report total exceeds this allowed variance, then an error message appears when you submit, and you will have to enter an explanation for the variance. You can click this button to review details about the variance.

  • Delete: As long as the report is not archived, you can delete it if necessary.

  • Print

  • New! Attachments: Changes to green with a plus sign (+) when you attach at least one file to the report.

Note that the old report screen had a row of links followed by a row of buttons, all at the top of the screen. The following options that previously appeared in that area are now on other parts of the screen: log out (exit), help, legend, and submit (see 17).

If any of the expense items on the report require receipts, then you can see whether receipts are still outstanding on the line below the button bar.

  1. Report header

This is where you see and enter general information about your expense report.

  • Employee (user-defined label)

  • Description (user-defined label): You are required to enter a brief description of the activity for which you incurred expense.

  • Detailed Description (user-defined label): If you wish, you can also enter a detailed, longer description. In previous versions, you had to click a button and go to a separate screen to enter a detailed description.

  • Report Number (user-defined label): Depending on your administrator's settings, the report number is either blank, or it defaults to the system’s next available number. If it is blank, then you must enter a report number.

  • Status

  • Currency

  • Trip Auth. No.

  • Trip No.: If you are entering a travel report, then Trip Auth No. and Trip No. fields appear. If the expense form requires pre-authorization, then both trip fields default from the request if you made entries there, and you cannot change them here even if they are blank. If the form does not require pre-authorization, then you can make entries in these fields.

  1. Date column

Here you enter data for a specific date.

  • Date: Enter the date on which you incurred expenses.

  • Location Code: The expense form’s setup determines whether this field appears. If so, and if you entered a location code on the request, it defaults onto each date of the report. You can make a new entry or change the default to identify the area from which you want to obtain per diem rates. To look up a location code, click Look Up to the right of the field.

    To review detailed information and per diem rates for a location code that is already on the report, click per_diem_button.gif to the far right of the field.

    You can enter different location codes for different dates. Keep in mind, however, that if you click Per Diem (see 5) after you have already changed defaulted per diem rates for any date, e-xpense changes the fields back to the per diem rates.

  • Distribution.gif: Click here to enter an expense distribution for the date. The button changes to green with a dollar sign ($) when you enter at least one distribution for the date.

  • delete_ex.gif: If needed, click here to remove the entire date and its associated column data.

  • Entry for the date: Depending on the category, your entry can be a monetary amount for an expense like a meal, an item you describe in words such as the name of an airline, a time such as meeting time, or a non-monetary number. If necessary, you can change a value that defaults from the per diem rate.

  • Daily Total: As you enter amounts on your report, e-xpense automatically calculates the total for each date column. Prior to this release, e-xpense calculated totals only when you saved or submitted.

  • Unallowable Cost (see 10)

  1. Category row

Here you view and enter data for an expense category. Your administrator determines which categories appear on the report.

  • Distribution.gif: Click here to enter an expense distribution for the category. The button changes to green with a dollar sign ($) when you enter at least one distribution for the category.

  • Category title

  • Entry for the category, for a specific date (see 7)

  • Total for the category (see 11)

  1. Expense detail button

To enter more details for any expense item or to calculate for a mileage category, click Expense Detail to the right of the cell. Note that the button image appears different depending on whether additional details are required and whether details have already been entered for the cell. From the upper-left of the screen, select Help > e-xpense Legend for details about button images.

  1. Unallowable Cost

An amount appears in the Unallowable Cost row for each day that contains an unallowable entry. You can click Expense Detail in this row to view each category that has an unallowable for the day, the category’s unallowable amount, and the total unallowable amount for the day.

  1. Totals

As you enter amounts on your report, e-xpense automatically calculates totals for each category row, the entire report, and the total due. The totals are read-only.

Prior to this release, e-xpense calculated totals only when you saved or submitted.

  1. Less Company Paid
    Less Advance Payment

If you have already received payments, e-xpense deducts these amounts from the total that you will be reimbursed:

  • The amount in the read-only Less Company Paid field if your administrator set up any of the categories that you made entries to as company-paid.

  • Any amount that you enter in the Less Advance Payment field. e-xpense defaults the amount from the pre-authorization request if you entered one there, and you can change it in the report. Note that depending on your administrator's settings, some forms may not allow you to enter an advance amount.

  1. Previous
    New Week

If you incurred expenses on more than seven dates, click New Week to add seven more blank date columns. You can use the Previous and Next buttons to move between weeks of your report.

In previous versions, you entered the number of dates that you wanted to add, then clicked Add. The New Week feature saves you a step. Also, you had to scroll horizontally to view additional weeks instead of clicking Previous and Next.

As a shortcut, you can enter the number of dates to which you want to copy, then click Copy. e-xpense copies the amounts from the last date for which you made entries into the fields for the new dates. You can modify the data as necessary.

  1. Unallowable Information

Your administrator’s settings determine whether Job Number and/or Cost Element (user-defined labels) fields appear in this area. Values may default into these fields, and you may or may not be able to change the defaults. If a value doesn’t default for either field, then you may be required to enter one in order to submit the report.

If either field is editable, you can select from the Job Number dropdown list or click Look Up to the right of the Cost Element field to perform a lookup. e-xpense charges all unallowable amounts on the report to this job number and/or cost element.

  1. Close Request

If you are submitting a travel report for a request that is set up to allow multiple reports, then this check box appears. If this is the final report for this trip, click this check box to close the request on which it is based. Note that after you submit the report, if needed you can open the request to close it from there.

In previous versions, you had to go to a separate screen to close the request while submitting the report.

Note that depending on your administrator’s settings, an Individual Trip check box might appear to the right of Close Request. Click Individual Trip if you are submitting a report for a request that is set up to allow multiple reports, but this report is for an individual trip, meaning that it is not part of one, larger trip.

  1. Password

If this field appears, enter your password before you click Submit Report. This is the same password that you use to log in.

In previous versions, you had to go to a separate screen to enter your password.

  1. Submit Report

Click here when you are ready to submit your expense report to your approvers.

  1. Read Certification New!

If your company has special certification text that it wishes you to view before submitting, you can see the text by clicking Read Certification or by viewing the tool tip for the Submit Report button.