Approving delegated time cards

Delegated time cards are those that another supervisor has sent to you for approval during a specified period. This may be due to the supervisor’s absence or inability to perform the approval when needed. If a time card was delegated to you, then you can see the name of the delegating approver in the Delegated By column on the Approval View screen.

By default, the Approval View screen shows only your own time cards, meaning those that you are always authorized to approve. If you wish, you can select to view time cards for one delegating approver at a time, or all time cards that you are authorized to approve, including delegated time cards. The steps that follow show you how to do both.

We assume that you have already logged in to e-timecard and accessed the approval view.

To view time cards that an approver has delegated to you

  1. On the Approval View screen, under Delegating Approver, do one of the following.

  1. If desired, filter the time cards that you want to see for yourself and the delegating approver(s) by selecting specific statuses or a specific time card schedule.

  2. Click Retrieve. e-timecard displays the set of time cards for the delegating approver(s)' employees, as well as your own time cards.

  3. Approve the time cards by one of the following methods.

    approve time cards by employee

    approve time cards in groups

    approve all time cards

  4. To return to viewing only your own time cards, select the Select a delegating approver option from the Delegating Approver dropdown list, then click Retrieve.