If you are going to be absent when employees submit time cards, you may need to delegate your approval authority to another person. The person who you select as the delegated approver must be set up as a time card approver by your e-timecard administrator.
You determine the valid time period for the delegation. When you delegate, you share the authority rather than giving it up. You can still approve your employee's time cards during the delegation if you wish. In other words, either you or the approver who you delegate to can fulfill your approval duty while the delegation is in effect.
Caution: The number of required approvers is set by your e-timecard administrator. It is possible for you to eliminate an approval level if you delegate to someone who is already a required approver for any of the same employees who you approve.
The instructions that follow tell you how to delegate your approval authority.
To delegate your approval authority
Do one of the following to access the Delegate Approval screen.
From the upper-left corner of any e-timecard application screen, click Time Card > Approval View > Delegate.
From any approval screen, click the Delegate tab.
Select the approver who you want to delegate to from the Select Delegate dropdown list. If you do not see the approver who you are looking for, select Search from the dropdown list to look up the approver.
If you see Include check boxes under the Select Delegate dropdown list, then you can indicate the application(s) that the delegation applies to. To delegate for e-timecard, click the e-timecard check box. You can also click the e-xpense check box if you wish.
Enter the from and through dates for the delegation. You can enter dates manually or click to the right of either date field to select a date from a calendar.
Select the reason why you are delegating your authority from the dropdown list.
Click Add. e-timecard adds your delegation to the top of the list of delegations in the lower section of the screen. It also clears the fields in the top section of the screen to let you create another delegation if you wish.
To create an additional delegation, repeat steps 2 through 6.
When you are done creating approval delegations, click Save. This step is required to commit your additions to the database.
Note: You can do the following to manage your approval delegations.