Understanding the expense approval view

The Approve Pre-Authorization Request or Approve Expense Report screen lets you see a list of requests/reports that you are authorized to approve. These are the main pages from which you begin the process of reviewing requests/reports so you can approve or reject them on a one-by-one basis.

Do one of the following to access e-xpense approval functions.

Unlike in previous versions, pre-authorization requests and expense reports appear on separate screens, but otherwise the approval process is the same for both. Below we show an image of the Approve Expense Report screen.


This item...

Is for this purpose...

  1. Status(es)

Click the check box for each status that you want to view requests/reports for, or click the All check box to view requests/reports for all statuses. Note that you cannot view requests/reports that your employees have not yet submitted, meaning those with an Open status.

When you access the screen, Submitted and Partially Approved are selected by default, and requests/reports for these statuses are already displayed.

New! Prior to this version, you searched for requests/reports by your individual status: pending, approved, or rejected. Now you search by the absolute status for all approvers.

New! Prior to this version, you could either review all requests/reports regardless of status, or you could review requests/reports for only one status at a time. You could not select a custom group of statuses.

New! Among the statuses that you can select is My Partially Approved, meaning requests/reports that have received at least one approval but less than the full number of required approvals, and you are one of the approvers who has approved them. To view these, you must also select the Partially Approved check box.

  1. Delegating Approver

Lets you select an approver who has delegated approval authority to you, so you can approve or reject his/her requests/reports as if they were your own. When you select a delegating approver, you view that approver's set of requests/reports in addition to your own. The Delegated By column (see 15) helps you distinguish delegated requests/reports from your own.

The list shows only those approvers who have delegated to you. If no approvers have delegated to you, then the list displays, "No delegation."

New! To view all requests/reports that you are authorized to approve, including both your own and those for all approvers who have delegated to you, select All approvers from the list. This option appears only if more than one approver has delegated to you.

Prior to this version, you had to go to a separate screen to select a delegating approver for viewing his/her requests/reports.

To return to viewing only your own requests/reports, select the Select a delegating approver option from the list. Prior to this version, you had to click a View My Records button.

  1. Expense approval view tabs

These tabs let you quickly switch between approving pre-authorization requests and expense reports.

  1. Retrieve

After you select statuses (see 1) and/or a delegating approver (see 2), click Retrieve to change the list to display requests or reports that match your selections.

  1. Review Selected New!

After you click check boxes for requests or reports (see 7), click here to open them for approval/rejection. The View Pre-Authorization Request or View Expense Report screen appears with the first listed request/report among those that you selected.

Prior to this version, you could review only one request or report at a time; you could not create a review list.

  1. Print New!

Click to print the request or report approval data. Approve Pre-Authorization Request and Approve Expense Report are two of many screens that now let you print data.

  1. Check boxes

Click the check box to the left of each request or report that you want to review for approval/rejection, then click Review Selected (see 5).

Note that you can click the check box above the list to select all requests or reports on the screen.

  1. Select

To review one request or report for approval/rejection, click Select to the left of it. It opens on the View Pre-Authorization Request or View Expense Report screen.

  1. Request # or
    Report #

    Sort button

Request number or report number.

By default, the approval list is sorted in ascending order by request/report number. You can sort by any column heading, in either order:

  • Click a heading to sort in ascending order. You will see an Ascending ascending arrow appear to the right of it.

  • Click a heading again to sort in descending order. You will see a Descending descending arrow appear to the right of it.

  1. Description

Brief description that the employee entered for the request or report.

  1. Employee (user-defined label)

Name of the employee to whom the request or report belongs.

  1. Submitted

Date when the employee submitted the request or report.

  1. Amount

Total amount that the employee entered on the request or report.

  1. Status

Request/report status, which corresponds to the selections that you can make under Status(es) described in 1 above.

New! If you have already approved the request or report, then you can see an You Have Approved This Time Card icon to the right of the status.

  1. Delegated By New!

If applicable, you can see the approver who delegated this request or report to you. See 2 above to find out how to select a delegating approver to view requests or reports for his/her employees.