When you save or submit your time card, e-timecard validates data that you've entered. Included among the validations is whether the job or other code is active, or whether your entries match the standard hours for your profile.
There are two ways that you can come to view time card error data in e-timecard. The first is voluntary, while the second occurs automatically. Both let you view information for all relevant errors at once.
If e-timecard finds errors when you save or submit, it places an icon to the left of each time card line or number of hours that has an error. A message at the top of the screen shows details for the first error on the time card. You can click the Errors button to go to the View Time Card Errors screen, which shows all of the time card's error messages.
If you save or submit and your time card has new soft errors since the last time that you saved or submitted, and only soft (not hard) errors, then the Confirm Time Card Errors screen appears with a list of the new soft errors. Here, you must choose whether to go back and correct the errors or continue with the save or submit.
When you saved or submitted in prior versions of e-timecard, you had to view a separate message screen for each error. You could click Yes or No for soft errors to indicate whether you wanted to continue saving or submitting, or you could click OK for hard errors to go back to the time card and correct the error. To view error information later, you clicked the error icon for the individual error, rather than clicking a button that brought you to error messages for the entire time card.
The image below shows the View Time Card Errors screen. Confirm Time Card Errors has the same layout, but it does not show hard errors. The table that follows explains cases where the two screens differ.
This item... |
Is for this purpose... |
To view on-screen instructions for reviewing time card errors, you can either click the |
This list shows all of your time card's hard errors, which you must correct in order to save or submit. The list shows: each error item, identified by line number and job number; the detailed message for each error; and a count of the number of hard errors on the time card. Hard errors appear only on the View Time Card Errors screen, not on the Confirm Time Card Errors screen. |
This list shows all of your time card's soft errors, which do not prevent you from saving or submitting. The list shows: each error item, identified by line number and job number; the detailed message for each error; and a count of the number of soft errors on the time card. |
Click to print the error details. This is one of many screens that now let you print data. Previously, the time card was the only screen that you could print from. |
From the View Time Card Errors screen, click Close when you are finished reviewing the error messages to return to the time card. From the Confirm Time Card Errors screen, you can click Continue to leave the soft errors on the time card and proceed with the save or submit, or you can click Cancel to go back to the time card and correct one or more errors. |