To select a time card for mass entry, you enter search criteria and indicate whether the time card that you want to enter is pre-approved or unapproved. Your choice to enter a time card period end date depends on whether you want to enter one time card or multiple time cards for the employee you enter.
Enter an end date for one time card: When you click Retrieve, e-timecard searches for a time card that matches your criteria. If it finds one, then it instantly opens it on the Edit Time Card screen. Once you are finished entering the employee time card, you can return to the Mass Enter Time Cards screen to enter criteria for a different time card.
Leave the end date blank for multiple time cards: When you click Retrieve, e-timecard searches for time cards for the employee. If it finds one or more, then it instantly opens the current time card on the Edit Time Card screen.
If your company's setup allows, you also have the option of entering an org9 and/or location, then clicking Retrieve List to see all employees for the org9, location, or org9/location combination. When you select an employee from the list, e-timecard either opens the employee's time card for the end date that you entered, or it opens the employee's current time card if you left the end date blank.
Note: If you enter an employee and leave the end date blank, or if you select an employee from a list that you retrieve for an org9/location, then you can use the Select a time card period dropdown list on the Edit Time Card screen to move among the employee's time cards. The employee's time cards are sorted by period.
Follow these instructions to select a time card for mass entry.
To select a time card for mass entry
Do one of the following to access the Mass Enter Time Cards screen.
Log in, selecting Mass enter time cards from the Go to dropdown list.
From the upper-left corner of any e-timecard application screen, click Administration > Mass Enter Time Cards > Mass Enter Time Cards.
From any mass entry screen, click the Mass Enter Time Cards tab.
the time card period end date to enter a specific time card for an
employee, or leave the field blank to automatically open the employee's
current time card.
Hint: You can enter the
date manually. You can also click to the right of
the field to select the date from a calendar.
the org9 (user-defined
label) that the employee whose time
you want to enter belongs to. You can look
up an org9 by clicking to the
right of the field.
Depending on your company’s setup, you may be required to enter an
org9 in order to retrieve a time card, or the org9 may be optional.
From the Location dropdown list, select the location for the employee whose time you want to enter.
an employee ID. Depending on your company's setup, you may be able
to click
to the right of the field to look
up the employee. If your company's setup allows, you can leave
the employee blank and retrieve a list of all employees for the org9
and/or location.
To enter an unapproved time card, leave the Pre-Approved box unchecked. To enter a pre-approved time card, click the Pre-Approved check box. If you are allowed to enter only one type of time card, then you cannot change whichever option is pre-filled in this field.
Do one of the following.
If you entered an employee, click Retrieve. e-timecard automatically opens a time card that matches the criteria that you entered. Skip to step 9.
If you entered an org9 and/or location and left the employee blank, click Retrieve List. Go to the next step.
e-timecard lists all employees for the org9 and/or location that you entered. Click Select to the left of the employee for whom you want to enter time.
If this is the first time that you have opened this employee time card, and if the Copy Previous Time Card screen appears with jobs from the employee's previous, submitted time card, do the following.
Click the check box for each job that you want to copy to the new time card, or click the top check box to select all jobs.
Click Continue.
Note: e-timecard copies jobs from this particular employee’s previous time card, not from the previous time card of another employee for whom you just entered hours.
The Edit Time Card
screen displays either the time card for the employee and period that
you selected, or the current time card for the employee if you left
the period blank. In the Select a time card period dropdown list,
you can see the period dates and status,
and to the right of it you can see the employee name and ID.
If this is the first time that you have opened this time card, either
a blank time card opens, or jobs copied from the previous time card
automatically appear on the new time card. You are now ready to enter labor data.