Selecting time card periods

Whenever you log in to e-timecard, your time card for the current period automatically opens. If you ever need to enter time to a different time card period, you can easily select it from the Time Card screen. You can select any time card period that is available for entry or viewing and has not yet been exported to payroll.

If you want to select a time card that has already been exported, the procedure is different. Instead of using the instructions below, follow steps 1 through 5 for correcting archived time cards.

To select a time card period

  1. On the Time Card screen, select a time card from the Select a time card period dropdown list. Each time card listed shows its status and period dates.

    If you prefer to use your keyboard rather than the mouse to select a time card period, tab to the Select a time card period dropdown list. Use the scroll arrows to look for the time card period that you want to select. When you find it, hit Enter.

  2. If you have unsaved data, e-timecard asks you to confirm that you want to switch to the different time card without saving. Click OK to switch without saving data, or click Cancel to go back to the time card that you were working on and save your data.

  3. If this is the first time that you have opened this time card, and if the Copy Previous Time Card screen appears with jobs from your previous, submitted time card, click the check box for each job that you want to copy to the new time card, or click the top check box to select all jobs. Click Continue.

  4. The Time Card screen displays the time card for the period that you selected. If this is the first time that you have opened this time card, either a blank time card opens, or jobs copied from the previous time card automatically appear on the new time card.

    The time card that you selected opens in the same view that you were already in. In other words, if you were in the Edit Time Card tab, then the time card that you selected opens in the Edit Time Card tab. Exceptions: If you selected a time card that is closed to labor entries, or was created by a group timekeeper and you aren't allowed to change it, then it opens in the View Time Card tab, and you can't make it editable. Also, if you selected a time card that has not been created yet, then it always opens in the Edit Time Card tab.

  1. You are now ready to enter your time card for the period that you selected.

    If you selected a time card that you have submitted, and one or more approvers have already approved it, then keep in mind that if you makes changes then save, this will invalidate all approvals and require you to resubmit the time card.