Entering time cards

You enter labor data on the Edit Time Card screen. The top area of the screen shows non-editable information such as your name and ID, the current date and time, the time card period dates that you are working in, and accrual balances for vacation and sick pay codes.

There are two different areas on the time card where you enter data:

The time card shows hour totals for both each day and every job line. Below the time card, you can see separate totals for regular hours and premium hours. e-timecard automatically calculates all of these fields every time you make an entry then move to a different field.

If you selected to copy jobs from your previous, submitted time card when you logged in, or if your administrator set up e-timecard to automatically copy your previous time card's jobs, then your time card will already have jobs when you begin working on it. All you need to do is enter daily hours and, if necessary, make changes to code fields. You can add additional jobs as needed.

If jobs did not copy from your previous time card, then select the jobs that you need to enter hours for in this period.

Hint: If you navigate away from your current time card, you can return to it quickly by selecting Time Card > Time Card Entry from the upper-left of any e-timecard application screen.