Any time card from a prior time period that your company has exported to payroll is an archived time card. Your payroll administrator or e-timecard administrator exports time card data to payroll.
Your company’s setup determines whether you can access archived time cards. If you can, then you will see an Archived time cards option in the Select a time card period dropdown list. Selecting this option takes you to the Look Up Date(s) screen, where you search for archived time cards. The number of prior periods back that you can access depends on your e-timecard administrator’s settings.
If you are allowed access to archived time cards, then you may be able to review and correct them, or review them only. If you can correct them, then the Edit Time Card tab is clickable when you open the archived time card.
You can review an archived time card in view-only format in three ways:
To review the daily allocation of time to each job, follow steps 1 through 5 for correcting archived time cards. The View Time Card tab appears by default when you open the archived time card.
To view the total of hours by job and pay code combination, open the archived time card, then click the View Summary tab.
To view the time card details sorted by jobs charged to, open the archived time card, then click the View Report tab.