You can always select a pay code from your personal list. Your e-timecard administrator adds codes to your personal list.
You may also be able to select a pay code from a master list that contains either all company codes or all codes for your employee type. If this is the case, then you will see a Search option in the Pay Code (user-defined label) dropdown list. When you select a pay code from the master list that was not previously in your personal list, e-timecard automatically adds it to your personal list.
Note: You cannot remove a pay code from your personal list. Only your e-timecard administrator can remove pay codes from lists.
To select a single pay code
On the Edit Time Card screen, select the pay code from the Pay Code dropdown list.
If you need to look up the pay code, select Search from the Pay Code dropdown list. The Look Up Pay Code (user-defined label) screen appears.
Enter one or more search criteria. Your choices are: pay code, pay code description.
Hints: You can enter partial information in a search field, such as R to retrieve all pay codes that begin with the letter R, or %R to retrieve all pay codes that contain the letter R. You can leave all search fields blank to retrieve all pay codes.
Click Search to retrieve pay code records that match the criteria you entered. The search results appear in the bottom section of the screen, which includes a count of the number of records found.
If necessary, scroll to find the pay code that you are looking for.
When you find the pay code you are looking for, click Select to the left of it. The Edit Time Card screen reappears with the pay code that you selected added to the field.
If you selected a pay code from the master list that was not previously in your personal list, then the pay code is now in your personal list and available for selection from the Pay Code dropdown list.